The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) encourages banks to help meet the credit needs of the communities they are chartered to serve, including the low- and moderate-income neighborhoods in those areas. This video explains the CRA’s provisions and how regulators evaluate a bank’s CRA performance in practical, understandable terms. It’s essential viewing for anyone interested in working with financial institutions to make their communities better places to live and work. If you have any questions or comments, contact us at: RESOURCES: CRA ratings for banks regulated by the Fed, OCC, and FDIC: FedCommunities CRA tools: Banker's Quick Reference Guide to CRA: Consumer Help Center for questions or complaints about banks: Regulation BB (CRA) Compliance Guide: The views and opinions expressed in this video are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve System.
What is the Community Reinvestment Act?
Updated: Feb 28, 2022